Saturday, November 21, 2009

+and the stars they seemed, to paint the most elaborate scene today

No alarms set, the farmer's market with great new conversations, golden pears, freshly homemade bread, exploring local coffee shops, long walks with map in hand, traditions, cuddling, reading, routine, big and amazing breakfasts, campus cultures, a wedding on-campus, instrumental music, seasonal collections, hard wood floors, my brown boots, learning to play a video game, christmas tree lights, plaid, open fields for miles and lakes with fog, football with pizza, falling asleep on devon's shoulder, a big fluffy bed all to myself.

About Me

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I am a recent grad-school grad, who enjoys spending my time learning to make the perfect cup of coffee, running as many miles as my legs will carry me on, learning music that I'm skeptical about but that Devon says I'll love, and loving on my sweet friends - near and afar.

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