Tuesday, March 20, 2012

+there's beauty in the silver singing river

Can you spot all the perfect things about this picture? Well, yes, that IS a fictional book. Yes, that IS a steaming cup of dark coffee. And yes, that IS my dearest grad school friend reading some fiction of her own. About to head out for a 4 1/2 mile run and a day of meandering and cooking. This little scene is my slice of heaven on earth!

+if i have ever breathed in deeply

Unlike any other Spring Break out there, Greta and I have not spent a cent on eating out. We have cooked in with her fabulous family and our shopping ventures? The thrift store. Greta found a pair of $1.49 leather boots. I found a pair of (graduation?) red heels for $2.49. That left us with smiles the rest of the day!

About Me

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I am a recent grad-school grad, who enjoys spending my time learning to make the perfect cup of coffee, running as many miles as my legs will carry me on, learning music that I'm skeptical about but that Devon says I'll love, and loving on my sweet friends - near and afar.

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