Friday, April 30, 2010

+i find my mine is settlin' down

Lots of time to be, smiling and understanding each other, preparing for the impending rain, understanding our limits, labels, a whole night of simple fantastic-ness, dear friendships, being taken care of.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

+time, love, time, love

Empowering conversations, support encouragement, kicking back for a lunch out, friends, great eye contact, cancellations, support for others, impressed with the scholarship of my friends, slow walks, dinners together, library movies, cancellations that free up my mind, falling asleep early and learning more about the affect of food on my body.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

+close my eyes and keep on swimming

Talking to mom on the walk to work, naps naps naps, lazy days that lead into lazy nights

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

+if the best is really for the best

A morning of deep thankfulness that I have not felt anything like before, hugs and hugs and more hugs, replaying it over again, soccer games, Melissa Kooy, new information, more working out tandem, explorations, night-time hugs at the end of a crazy day for him.

Monday, April 26, 2010

+guess i'm gonna have to guess again

Quickness, leaving early, nights of recognition that help let people know they are loved, smiling without stopping, changing up the plans for once, sharing workouts with a friend.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

+sometimes at night comes the singin

Reading impressive writing, fresh cut veggies and fruits, pots of soup for the week, church and running into our friends and really realizing what is important in life, home cooked-by-friends-late-lunches.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

+love, you hard when it rains. time, no it ain't all aside

Waking up to cheering, finding ways around the crowds, crazily random compliments from strangers, dark mornings full of thunder and downpours, sharin a frothy monkey table even if it's not big enough just for extra hang-out time, wonderful comics, bowties, acting like we know what a monsoon is, pride in my friends, using afternoons for food prep, movies, the library, errands, goofy hawaiian times.

Friday, April 23, 2010

+i fell i love with your sound, oh i love to sing along with you

 Coming to a close, sighs of relief, color, lyrics, long walks, almonds, perfect little dinners, deals, awesome moods, made up bowling names, enjoying all the little moments, air conditioning, pdh!, the future lookin' bright, predicted night storms, strengthening.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

+my friend the giant and traveling sails

Smiles, green smoothies, being taken out to lunch and not being able to stop feeling extreme gratitude, bloosoms raining, excitement, long car rides that calm me down, soccer games, nerdy reading late night with wine, bedtimes, late night calls after the studio.

"It takes a whole campus of whole persons to develop whole students."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

+blue waters, blue eyes color me

Power days, long walks, a constant plodding, outside brief catchups cause it's all we have, the best hugs ever made, keeping true to April busyness, productivity and being challenged, organizing, yogurt with apples, looking forward to rest days, yummy dinners out for celebrations, clean apartment to come home to, thoughtfulness and phone calls when i'm half asleep.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

+he prayed for the moon to give him light

Another round of earliness, fluffy fresh omlettes for breakfast, celebrations and accomplishments, support, strangest of dreams, feeding the ducks, distancing, rearranging, riding the gas light for miles and miles and miles, as usual my chacos and their lovely adjustable straps, snickers ice cream while finally catching up, little fresh dinners with friends' family and all the entertainment that follows, actually keeping up with a tv show, genuine time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

+i'm falling into memories of you and things we used to do

Contant energy and soreness, confidence boosting, carving out, better moods, old thoughts, staying collected, new albums, clif bars, dark brown, great harmonies, sweet friendships, dates to mark, standing still, goofy dancing, hot to cold, humming even later.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

+hurry now, lay me down, and let these waters flow

Catching up via snail mail, big pots of coffee for a Sunday morning of focus, hard workouts that make me feel accomplished, waiting on dinnertime, grocery lists, hoping the world (not my world) slows down one day, long afternoons at the park, catching up on journaling, sunkissed shoulders, knees, and nose, giggling.

"I could tell you the wildest of tales, my friend the giant and traveling sails.
Tell you all the times that I failed, the years all behind me, the stories exhaled.
And I'm drying out, crying out, this isn't how I go." -yellowcard

Saturday, April 17, 2010

+i don't want to call you but you're all i have to turn to

Drizzling mornings that cool everything down, funny pollen patterns on my car, big blueberry muffins and coffee with saucers, every nook and crannie, alone time, pick-up ultimate frisbee, holding my own, loving the feeling of running in a cool breeze, watching soccer games and trying to understand the rules (still), sweet cece's with a crammed-full car, needing a jacket again.

Friday, April 16, 2010

+sleep don't weep

All day slow-pacing, jeans, not feeling overwhelmed, sweet lunches outside with alicia, talking through the past and present, crazy circumstances, being held up for good reasons, comfort in sunshine, walks home and new workouts, showers after a long day, that not-able-to-stop-smiling feeling, wii and sarah and movies, energy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

+wear another shoe to comfort the soul

Ovewhelmed by kindness, kelephant!, sweet reactions that blow me away, feeling blessed, nick hornby, snacking, intentionality, twigs, crafts, trying to ask the right sorts of questions, texts from what seems like the future, evenings full of stuff we love, learning to kick correctly, funny grocery trips.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

+when you would sing that song for me

Birthdays, smiley faces in text messages, condensation, days that aren't routine, days that are routine,  breaking in new sandals, extra hair things, new highlighter colors, little packages full of promise, research, east nashville and great conversations, hitting new landmarks, matching, almond flavored anything, missed and good friends, being awake.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

+love is a long shot, love is a bird in hand

Bike rides that end at Bongo, jam, card writing and making, the completion of lots of little projects, projections, taking it, testing the gas light, the very very quiet, goofiness at the end of long days, compliments that help, food abundance, enjoying the ridiculous.

Monday, April 12, 2010

+when this stops, we'll be laughing, sing our songs though they're barely heard

Surprising awakeness, books you can't help but read with a british accent in your head, big ole bottles of water, appreciation, understanding the new developments, long walks, parents, mis-matched, taking out the trash, communities, analyzing data, falling asleep in the happiest place on earth.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

+picking apples, making pies

New coffee beans and oats, simple mornings, thinking things through, jitteryness calmed by caring, long long walks, sunshine, attempts, new (cheap) sandals, speechless afternoons, energizing crowds, sitting by someone who can't stop making me smile, support and loyalty, encouragement, being complimented even if it is very insignificant, til 2am phone calls, comforted.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

+and raised this life up from the dead

Beautiful early mornings with intention, smooth logistics, feeling content, time passing quickly, free (good) coffee, polka dots, side headbands, helping where needed, conversations that remind you of your own situation, coupons, thirst quenching smoothies, royal blue, smallness, turkey instead of beef, deep appreciation, blubbering to someone who cares, giving away.

Friday, April 9, 2010

+let's not try to figure out everything at once

Walking to my favorite coffee shop, no lulls, breakfast being the best meal of the day, keeping motivated, baking a golden brown loaf of bread that's warm and soft, double duty, lima beans, finishing a thriller novel and being happy with the way it ended, italics, racing to see one another, the poise and beauty of a dance performance, athleticism, cool evenings, fitting in even when I least expect to, being offered a coat, late sonic turned mcdonalds runs, honesty, focus.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

+sometimes they're right, most times the reverse

Quick turnarounds, refamiliarizing myself with super-hydration, great great fiction, frilly shirts that make me smile, plans, the color yellow when spring is in the air, a jar full of spring-colored m&m's on my counter, how cutely sweet ceces is decorated, sprinkles, crazy reactions, perfect leftovers and time, easy evenings, reading myself to sleep.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

+they're the first to come and the last to leave

Steel cut oats made with milk and left steaming to just right and yummy, the perfect day for walking to work, experiments in bread-making, yummy oatmeal cookies, running into an old friend, friends invited to dinner, clean kitchens, strawberries galore, new water bottles, sweet understanding and patience, it being april, cold apartments to sleep in, dreaming like crazy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

+and i came here to talk, i think you should knonw

Sunshine, deep breathing, mid morning coffee at Bongo, Beaman hanging, fitting well, logic logic, ease clicking, free thoughtful meals, chopsticks, biking to see my boyfriend (the ability to), pick up frisbee on soft grass, coasting, compliments, breezes, last year's shorts, sweet evenings in.

Monday, April 5, 2010

+light will guide you home

Excitement lingering, long shopping adventures, Stephen King, silly cravings, sandals, being afraid of sugar, visits, basketball in sandals, the way fresh cut grass smells, preparation, so much changing, Dad's yeast rolls leftovers, crazy deals.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

+with our secret codes and plans we can't remember

Early morning runs, coffee coffee coffee, green grass and new buds and life, cooler weather after a spring rain, warm sidewalks, sundresses, planning for the coming months, family, time, clocks, closed stores for Easter, remembering the reasons, company on long car trips, basketball and interview questions.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

+be strong get off at the next stop, don't worry about a thing

Waking up to coffee, beautiful new facilities, wondering about the complexities that make it run, school spirit, power eating, soft spring rain cooling off the day, catching up and explorations, beautiful designs, tone tone tone, college-mindset-budgets, gadgets, dreaming about offices, small glasses, needing genuine people, "show me a place where hope is young," finding promise.

Friday, April 2, 2010

+i cracked the ceiling i stared at it too long

Waking up smiling and giddy, painting like nail polish, simple meals, light packing, rushed for nothing, sunshine-y drives, iced coffee from mcdonalds, productivity on a lazy day, jumping hugs, flip flops and painted nails, great conversation with a lovely lady, fancy dinners out for celebrations, neat and thoughtful things, amazement, feeling lucky, if i traded (needed to) it all, progressive.

"Everyday we've got to hold on,
'cause if we hold on we could find some
new energy." -Badly Drawn Boy (again).

Thursday, April 1, 2010

+and if i knew the answers, i would tell you now

Raspberry cream cheese, stickers, good leftovers, the-good-kind-of-really-sore, hugs, excitement, affirmation, jelly beans kickin' in, bowls of cereal for dinner, the amazing difference two years can make, library dvd nights, tired hugs, realizing what the future may look like, certainty and writing out the lessons learned, embracing Easter.

"Do you know what true romance is, and could you show me now? Just what would be the chances, that I could tell you how.... and could you hold me now?" -Badly Drawn Boy

About Me

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I am a recent grad-school grad, who enjoys spending my time learning to make the perfect cup of coffee, running as many miles as my legs will carry me on, learning music that I'm skeptical about but that Devon says I'll love, and loving on my sweet friends - near and afar.

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