Saturday, August 21, 2010

+be, be here now

So, as I close in one one year of doing details, I realized I am done doing them. I love the little things and this past year has been fun to look back on. But, I'm done. I have exhausted them I believe.

So from time to time I may drop in to spice it up a bit. But for now,

"Don't let our mind get weary and confused your will be still don't try.
Don't let your heart get heavy, child, inside you there's a strength that lies.

Don't let your soul get lonely, child, it's only time, it will go by.
Don't look for love in faces, places, it's in you where you'll find kindness.

Be here now, be here now. Be, be here now, be here now.

Don't lose your faith in me, and I will try not to lose faith in you.
Don't put your trust in walls, cause walls will only crush you when they fall."

-Ray Lamontagne

Friday, August 13, 2010

+this is that new song

Making bigger decisions, sorting, delegation, taking an hour, food on demand, ideas and progress, name-learning-season, laurajean + mom, a much needed rain, honesty and confidence, the best sleep in days, understanding the flow.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

+babe we both had hard times dry spells and bad lands

The calm before the storm, greetings and meetings, basketball noises to fall asleep to, group pictures, mattering, beautiful views from every place on campus, middle men & liasons, grocercy trips and nights out at the movies, purses full of candy, laughing so hard there are tears.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

+tenuous at best was all he had to say when pressed about the rest of it, the world that is

Shaking my brain up big time, intelligent discussion, genuine concern, less office time, sweet fabrics, camera hunting again, stepping up, wonderfully thought out logic, world's best text messages, growing into the roles, hard rain storms with a breathtaking view, takin'careofbizness.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

+does it matter? if we're all matter? what's the matter when we're done? when the sky is full of zeros and ones

Landmarks, good friend days, an acoustic Josh Ritter mp3, organization, words of affirmation, quiet drives, just feeling right, deep connections, good conversation, late office nights, everything feeling so worth it.

Monday, August 9, 2010

+ask me now and i won't hesitate

Excited about the resources, sunrises, sweaters, big earrings, picking up phrases and mannerisms, appreciation of younger students, upping the understanding ten fold, rice krispie treat day, focusing well, water bottles, situating.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

+excuse me while i fall for you

Trying a new community in a new city with no one familiar, appreciating the traditions, days when you have good driving music, breakfast for lunches, strong coffee, day one of being a supervisor, listening skills, learning to direct discussion flow, seeing the lightbulbs go off, appreciation of hardwork, empowering the individual, intentionality, a sense of confidence yet not known, 2 peter 1:3-4.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

+it sounds like we would have had a great deal to say to each other

Oodles of personal time, noticing where trees are in their yearly trek, pros outweighing cons, the camera, a new city to explore, settling in, learning from the past and not making that same basic mistake, days transforming relationships.

Friday, August 6, 2010

+and there's so much where we ain't been yet

Going heavy, myself, mornings spent independently working, assertiveness, so much love, easy flowing conversations, heartbreak for the right reasons, leading.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

+when i close my eyes, i hope to find you, i hope to find you

Grown up decision-making, the goofy stage, a wonderful day in the kitchen, catching up with a wonderfully wonderful friend, rest days, no-bake cookies, no feeling of hierarchies, writing out my theories, comparing and contrasting.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

+the days quickly pass he loves makin her laugh

Recreation days, volleyball, team, connection, way past forming and storming, nights spend baking, things just keep clicking and revealing.

"Her eyes are like the winter when she goes
holding secrets only winter knows.
Winters, winter knows, cause winter's seen the wolves in women's clothes"
-Fiction Family

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

+it's something that only God knows

Bettering, gardens, engaging conversations, notes from kansans, the post office, cucumbers with ranch, feta cheese, the skyline, compelling mottos and feeling at home.

Monday, August 2, 2010

+is my life about to change?

"I've been going down
Down into the river baby,
Listen to the sound
It's something only God knows,
You figure it out, I can't stay
Water's in the clouds
Is my life about to change?"
-Local Natives

Hard and heavy days, real scenarios, good lettuce, roma tomatoes, one dollar scoop nights, good veggie burgers, honesty.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

+this is really happening - i've seen too much, i haven't seen enough

The beauty of a restful Sunday morning, skype skype skype, the holladay's new puppy, the smell of fresh cut grass, strong and well-made coffee to be had slowly, a cooler day, feeling energized, multiple workouts, labels, a gift of starbucks from a sweet new friend.

About Me

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I am a recent grad-school grad, who enjoys spending my time learning to make the perfect cup of coffee, running as many miles as my legs will carry me on, learning music that I'm skeptical about but that Devon says I'll love, and loving on my sweet friends - near and afar.

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