Friday, May 4, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

+know that even with your doubts it's all okay - take into account, that it's not about to change. who knows? who cares?

First friend in the state of Kansas and I celebrating our final academic task in grad school. Amazingly full circle. Un. Real.

Monday, April 16, 2012

+did you really rush out

Recipes from scatch, grad school 'family' time.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

+i told you to be balanced, i told you to be kind

The best running snacks brought to me by my Scholarship Hall. Makes edits so much happier!

Friday, April 13, 2012

+just another place to land

Comps... walking to Watson Library, both at night... and back again in the morn!

Monday, April 9, 2012

+you've got to get up every morning with a smile on your face And show the world all the love in your heart

Local businesses, you make me smile. Munchers Bakery is our go-to bakery for the halls I oversee. They just had their sole cake decorator leave and they hired a new gal. It's crazy to think how long and how much history some places have. Beautiful dedication and so much depth.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

+You bow to none, but heavens will

Last year I spent Easter alone and it was such a happy celebration but such lonely circumstances. This year, I spent it in the cozy comfort of a second family and my Pastor's home. I felt so loved and I felt so much like rejoicing. It was a beautiful day. He is Risen.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

+come and make my heart Your home

Flea markets and laughs and understanding. Clocks that tell stories and friends to make memories.

Friday, April 6, 2012

+if you find yourself on my side of town, I'd pray that you'd come to my door

Coffee and conversation with friends. Realizing that deep bonds can be formed, even if you're only away for 18 months. Realizing the depth of love and connection that God gifts us with if we're open and willing.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

+the sun a shout, the breeze a sigh

For as hard as it can be some weeks, my men's hall has made me more proud than I can imagine. If this is anything what raising children is like (highs and lows) then I am getting ready!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

+i came here with a load, but it feels so much lighter, since I met you

A good night sleep with flowers sitting on the end table. Coming home. Breathing in and realizing it's all real.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

+you, you've spoken truth over my life

Breakfast is the key to my heart. So add in a most wonderful lady friend and the most wonderful locale? You've got a morning made in HEAVEN. 

"Something brought you to my mind today
I thought about the funny ways you make me laugh
And yet I feel like it's okay to cry with you
Something about just being with you
When I leave I feel like I've been near God
And that's the way it ought to be.."

Monday, April 2, 2012

+and I have waited, teh anticiapton's got me glued

The places and faces that I know and love. Nostalgia and joy and unrivaled sense of home and security.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

+why should the fire die?

What timing! I cannot make today about anything other than the life-changing moment that gave me the best crinkly eyed smile of all time. I am engaged to this fabulous man!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

+so my soul is shared by two, the worst of me, the best of you

True friends and final four basketball games at Allen Fieldhouse at the University of Kansas. Me oh my!

Friday, March 30, 2012

+tell me your secrets, and ask me your questions, oh let's go back to the start

Aimee's coffeehouse in Lawrence, KS is where I go when I need to think and mull over a topic. If I have ever hit a writer's block on a paper or want to have an intimate conversation with a friend, this is the place that I go. This morning it was filled with families in town for the weekend's game. Steaming coffee, time to think.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

+and the soles of your shoes are all worn down

A walk from class to the dining hall - quite the distance on our campus. Tonight I ate with 6 of the 1st years in our program. As the only 2nd year around the table it was a cool place to be -- to remember the trials and tribulations of finishing the second semester of graduate school and the fears that were looming over my head this time last year. It feels like a year has aged me so much emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, professionally, academically (so many -ally's!). Symbolic sunsets... seasons are a turnin'.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

+later on sitting on the roof talking like the night could last all night

Dreaming of the weekend when I fly to Nashville to hug this man and not let go! He is too good to me and staring at just a month left of distance puts such a spring in my step. Distance is not for the faint of heart.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

+bless your soul, you've got your head in the clouds

Lacey shoes and fresh veggies. These are my crinkly-eyed smiles for the day!

Monday, March 26, 2012

+and this is all i've ever known, may his song live on forever

No matter how early or how many hours my job has me working, no matter what I am feeling inside or how complacent I am feeling on a given day, there is always the consistency of a sunrise and a sunset. There is always growth and life and creation, and that is enough to give me a smile.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

+yeah it's all alright

Coming back from Spring Break and spending your Sunday afternoon at a local brewery, watching your college's team dance their way into the Final Four. I love Lawrence, Kansas.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

+why am I the one always packing up my stuff

I never thought I'd see the day when I would get to cross over into South Dakota, but that day has arrived! What a beautiful landscape... I could drive for miles through open fields and big skies. What handiwork.

Friday, March 23, 2012

+for once, for once, i feel like i'm right where I belong

A pair of well-used running shoes in a kitchen that is in moving boxes. A chance to experience a big transition with a close friend - moving states and being in the middle of a tidal wave. Seeing old photos, old memories, laugh lines, community, and sharing in conversation and hospitality.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

+so all of the thoughts I thought I might tell her turned into songs that until now she’s never heard of

This is my leg and my foot on the pavement in St. Paul, MN. I would love to say that I'm a confident woman who has outgrown the self-conscious days of being a teen and a 20-something, but alas I have not. I look at that knee and am disgusted. It looks dough-y and unathletic. I beat myself up so much about the way that my body has formed. Yet those shoes? Those shoes make me smile. This is the pair that won 3rd place in a local 5K last September. The same pair that carried me through 26.2 miles in November on that blustery morning, and the ones that still carry me on many a good run and look cute doing it. Despite where I am on my scale of body-image-confidence, these shoes will make me crack a smile daily.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

+so you talk about a hand of glory

A mentor of mine once told me you can find out all you need to know about student culture on a campus from reading their student newspaper. Today I explored the University of Minnesota and their daily paper. A huge, sprawling campus, cute coffee shops, and more Minnesotan accents I have heard in all my life.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

+there's beauty in the silver singing river

Can you spot all the perfect things about this picture? Well, yes, that IS a fictional book. Yes, that IS a steaming cup of dark coffee. And yes, that IS my dearest grad school friend reading some fiction of her own. About to head out for a 4 1/2 mile run and a day of meandering and cooking. This little scene is my slice of heaven on earth!

+if i have ever breathed in deeply

Unlike any other Spring Break out there, Greta and I have not spent a cent on eating out. We have cooked in with her fabulous family and our shopping ventures? The thrift store. Greta found a pair of $1.49 leather boots. I found a pair of (graduation?) red heels for $2.49. That left us with smiles the rest of the day!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

+she just takes some glue to stay

One of my favorite things about being in Minnesota is all the sass that I get to experience. I love the Southern-niceties, but there's just something about the honesty out here that I love. This pic was taken with Greta, her mom and I at A Baker's Wife Pastry Shop after church this morning. This shop was so homey and cozy. You can't really go wrong with a bakery or a coffee shop, and this one was all-in-one. I love this sassy.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

+reasons few have I to go back again

Today marks the first day of my last real student-version-of-spring-break! Minnesota bound, Kelly, Greta and myself found out that M&Ms now come in mint! Yum! This is my view from the back seat on our 8 hour drive. Nothing like sweet friends, closed halls, and a week in the land of a thousand lakes!

Friday, March 16, 2012

+two in love can make it, take my heart but please don't break it

Today when I woke up, I knew that two of the most important schools to me were both playing in the NCAA tournament - first round games? Today. 2pm and 9pm. Belmont and KU. Such a fun day, the start to spring break here at KU (sort of) - housing closing tomorrow at 2pm and so today was the first day that we were able to really revel in the start of the time-honored break in crazy Spring semester--a week to rest! The Bird Dog Bar (with my favorite detail- iced cups)  is roughly .2 miles from my home and was the locale of the televised Belmont game. Despite the loss, it is always a little surreal to see my undergrad on the big screen. KU pulled out the night-time victory, so all in all a wonderful day.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

+we can burn brighter than the sun

Oh rejuvenated energy for this blog? So random, but I want to update it again all the sudden.

Though, this time, a pic or thought a day is all I want to do. There are so many hidden little moments and I don't like the idea of having the pressure to do them ALL, so the goal will be to pick one a day. This I can do.

So today: my shadow walking across campus. Ahh, walking across campus. It's over half a mile to the School of Education building, where I spend a considerable amount of time advising and in class. I walk it daily, and it's how I am more in tune with the weather changes and the morale of campus. Today was a  fabulously warm day where I got to wear a new dress I've been waiting to wear. You can see the flowy dress and the big water bottle as I walked. Oh, the feeling of a twirly dress, pretty makeup and hair, and the confidence that comes with it.

About Me

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I am a recent grad-school grad, who enjoys spending my time learning to make the perfect cup of coffee, running as many miles as my legs will carry me on, learning music that I'm skeptical about but that Devon says I'll love, and loving on my sweet friends - near and afar.

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